I am an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Georgia. My research interests are in Labor Economics, Urban Economics, and Econometrics.
Published and Forthcoming Papers:
The Effect of Maternal Labor Supply on Children: Evidence from Bunching, with Carolina Caetano, Eric Nielsen and Viviane Sanfelice. Forthcoming at Journal of Labor Economics.
Are Children Spending Too Much Time on Enrichment Activities?, with Carolina Caetano and Eric Nielsen. Forthcoming at Economics of Education Review.
Correcting for Endogeneity in Models with Bunching, with Carolina Caetano and Eric Nielsen. Forthcoming at Journal of Business & Economic Statistics. Version with Appendix. Code.
Regression Discontinuity Design with Multivalued Treatments, with Carolina Caetano and Juan Carlos Escanciano. Journal of Applied Econometrics, pp. 1-17 (2023). Version with Appendix.
Explaining Recent Trends in US School Segregation, with Vikram Maheshri. Journal of Labor Economics, 41(1), pp.175-203 (2023). Version with Appendix.
What Determines School Segregation? The Crucial Role of Neighborhood Factors, with Hugh Macartney. Journal of Public Economics Vol. 193 (February 2021) n. 104335.
Neighborhood Sorting and the Valuation of Public School Quality. Journal of Urban Economics. Vol. 114, November 2019, n. 103193.
Measuring Aversion to Debt: An Experiment Among Student Loan Candidates, with Miguel Palacios and Harry Patrinos. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. Vol. 40; Issue 1; pp. 117-131 (2019).
Gender Segregation Within Neighborhoods, with Vikram Maheshri. Appendix. Regional Science and Urban Economics. Vol. 77; pp. 253-263 (2019).
Towards Causal Estimates of Children’s Time Allocation on Skill Development, with Josh Kinsler and Hao Teng. Journal of Applied Econometrics. Vol. 19; Issue 34; pp. 588-605 (2019). Appendix.
Identifying Dynamic Spillovers of Crime with a Causal Approach to Model Selection, with Vikram Maheshri. Quantitative Economics. Vol. 9, Issue 1, pp. 343-394 (2018). Appendix.
School Segregation and the Identification of Tipping Behavior, with Vikram Maheshri. Journal of Public Economics. Vol. 148; pp. 115-135 (2017). Appendix.
Working Papers:
Dummy Test of Identification in Models with Bunching, with Carolina Caetano, Hao Fe and Eric Nielsen.
Robust Identification in Regression Discontinuity Designs with Covariates, with Carolina Caetano and Juan Carlos Escanciano.
A Unified Empirical Framework to Study Segregation, with Vikram Maheshri.
Identification and Estimation of Average Marginal Treatment Effects with a Bunching Design, with Carolina Caetano and Eric Nielsen.
Does Welfare Promote Child Development? Evidence from Bunching, with Jonathan Mansfield and David Slichter.
Household Chores and the Gender Gap in Child Development: Evidence from Bunching, with Carolina Caetano and Kelly Santos.